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28 June 2013

Eleganta prin Bijuterii+o surpriza

Ati observat cumva inelul stralucitor pe care il port? E cu adevarat o bijuterie de calitate si exceptional de frumoasa. Recent am descoperit bijuteriile Bellast, care m-au atras in primul rand pentru calitatea lor, dar si preturile rezonabile. 
Asa cum o sa observati, bijuteriile sunt fie de argint, argint placat cu aur su bijuterii placate cu argint, majoritatea cu pietre pretioase sau semipretioase sau perle. 

Cand vine vorba de bijuterii, in general, prefer bijuteriile colorate, care sa se asorteze cu usurinta unei tinute. Totusi, niciodata nu ma despart de bratara mea cu aur alb si aur galben (care e un fel de bijuterie-semnatura personala). Pot spune despre noul meu inel ca mi-a placut atat de mult, inca nu m-am mai despartit de el deloc. Arata atat de bine, de aproape, dar de la distanta creeaza impresia unui inel sculptat direct in diamante si exact acest efect al lui ma fascineaza.

Have you noticed the shiny new ring on my left hand? It`s truly a stunning jewellery!
I`ve only recently discovered the Bellast fine jewellery, but I have allready fell in love! They not only have a great quality, they also come at a great price!

Usually, I wear a  lot of colorful jewellery, that can easily go with my outfits, but I allways wear my good-luck gold bracelet-as my trademark. But now I must say this ring became my favourite.
The best part is that it looks great from close, but looks awsome from far, just like a ring made from diamonds!

Coletul a ajuns la mine destul de repede si bijuteriile erau fiecare in cutiuta ei, cu certificat de garantie. Bijuteriile sunt marcate corespunzator (pentru argint placat si respectiv argint), insotite de marca Bellast.

My jewellery came each in a beautiful box, properly marked (for silver and for gold plated silver).
This elegant ring has H&A Swiss Diamond Channel setting and 925 Silver with gold plated.

Si desigur, acest inel supeb trebuia asortat cu o pereche de cercei la fel de minunati.

I also found a pair of earings to match this gorgeous ring:

Nu am inteles exact ce sunt aceste pietricele, sunt numite diamante australiene, dar va spun ca sunt exceptional de stralucitoare. Cred ca se observa in majoritatea pozelor (chiar si in ciuda luminii mai slabe uneori) ca efectiv stralucesc. 

These great earings are made from silver with australian simulation diamond. And they only cost 7,67$!!

These two were my first order from Bellast, but I can assure you that they won`t be my last. They really have a great quality, beautiful shapes and shiny diamonds. As I said, the have become my favourite items and I wear them ever day.

What would you choose from Bellast?

Voi ce ati alege de pe Bellast? (lasati link-ul)


  1. ÃŽmi place acest inel: http://www.bellast.com/925-sterling-silver-plated-copper-fireworks-fashion-ring-size-us-6-10_p31603400.html

  2. Sunt superbe bijuteriile..m-au dat gata :) si tinuta e draguta
    Sa le porti cu placere! :-*
    Greu de ales,au bijuterii superbe :)
    mie imi place inelul asta http://www.bellast.com/925-sterling-silver-plated-copper-sunflower-band-ring-with-zircon-studded-size-us7,-8_p31603518.html
    cerceii astia http://www.bellast.com/fashion-copper-hollow-rose-stud-earrings-with-925-sterling-silver-plated_p31603139.html

  3. Imi place mult http://www.bellast.com/925-sterling-silver-plated-copper-3-row-channel-band-ring-with-zircon-studded-rose-gold-size-us7,-8_p31603510.html

  4. As alege aceasta bratara:
    Este asa de finuta si eleganta...Superba!

  5. Frumos ce ai ales,sa le porti cu placere!
    Imi place acesta :http://www.bellast.com/925-sterling-silver-plated-copper-2-row-twist-fashion-ring-size-us6-9_p31603534.html

  6. E f. frumos ! Eu am ales : https://www.facebook.com/aghinitei.maria/posts/552464844812132

  7. tinuta ta este superba ,cat despre bijuteriile de pe site toate sunt extraordinare si la niste preturi chiar rezonabile ,mi-a fost greu sa ma hotarasc doar asupra unui obiect , http://www.bellast.com/luxury-h-a-swiss-diamond-amethyst-wedding-ring-in-925-sterling-silver-with-white-gold-plated_p31600094.html

  8. Foarte dragute bijuteriile pe care ti le-ai ales, sa le porti cu placere! Eu nu m-as putea hotara asupra unei singure bijuterii de pe site, toate sunt superbe, insa printre preferatele mele se numara si acest inelus superb : http://www.bellast.com/925-sterling-silver-plated-copper-hollow-heart-ring-size-us6-10_p31603487.html :)

  9. http://www.bellast.com/our-love-fine-rhinestone-crystal-rose-pendant-with-18k-gold-plated-_p31602815.html mi se pare genial<3

  10. http://www.bellast.com/925-sterling-silver-and-swiss-diamond-love-footprint-matching-rings-with-white-gold-plated_p31600018.html

  11. http://www.bellast.com/925-sterling-silver-plated-copper-3-row-channel-band-ring-with-zircon-studded-rose-gold-size-us7,-8_p31603510.html

  12. Acsinte Lorena IsabelaJuly 1, 2013 at 12:49 PM

    superbe toate, mai ales inelul <3 si e asa dragut stick-ul, foarte frumos din partea lor :)

  13. http://www.bellast.com/clownfish-colorful-rhinestone-jewelry-sets-with-yellow-gold-plated_p31602176.html

  14. http://www.bellast.com/clownfish-colorful-rhinestone-jewelry-sets-with-yellow-gold-plated_p31602176.html

  15. Adomnoaei CristinaJuly 10, 2013 at 10:20 PM


  16. http://www.bellast.com/925-sterling-silver-plated-copper-twist-fashion-ring-with-zircon-studded-size-us7,-8_p31603529.html


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