Cum mascam kilogramele in plus?
Are you looking for the perfect dress for a special event? When buying a new dress, we should always consider the lines of the silhouette and how can a dress help us hide some areas while highlighting your best features.
How should we deal with it, if we are a Plus-Size?
Primul lucru pe care trebuie sa-l stabilim e forma siluetei. In felul acesta stim exact pe ce zone anume trebuie sa ne concentram.
The first and most important step is to find out your body`s type. Considering the shape of the body, we know what should be hidden and what should be highlighted. Look at this picture:
Apple Body Shape
If this is your shape, then you should try to draw attention to the lower body. Try a dress that looks like this:
Daca ai silueta in forma de mar, probabil ca ai bustul generos, dar si putina burtica. Ceea ce ar trebui sa cauti sunt rochiile care atrag atentia asupra partii inferioare a corpului, pentru a crea un echilibru. Un exemplu, modelul de mai jos:
Rectlangle Body Shape
If this is your type, then you want to create curves where they don't necessarily exist. You should wear corset dresses. You can try this kind of dresses even if you are over-sized, because the corset will beautifully shape your body .
Pentru acest tip de silueta, va trebui sa creezi "rotunjuri". In acest caz iti recomand rochiile cu coreset. Chiar daca ai cateva kilograme in plus, corsetul le va topi si iti va modela perfect silueta.
Pear Body Shape:
You shouldn`t draw attention to your lower half! Instead, try something with a great shape or pattern on the upper body. You may love the baby-dolls!
Choose this type of dresses:
Silueta in forma de para, are nevoie de o atentie in plus, in partea superioara a corpului. Opteaza fie pentru culori, materiale sau un design deosebit pentru bust, iar pentru solduri, cat mai simplu. Rochiile de tip baby-doll sunt perfecte pentru acest tip de silueta!
Hourglass Body Shape
If your body looks like this, you are really lucky! You should know that only 8% women have this type.
For you, it doesn`t really matter if you are a plus-size! Every style looks great on you. The only advice? Don`t hide your body in baggy clothes and please, wear fitted dresses! Sofia Vergara is a great example of a plus-sized hourglass woman and she allways looks like a goddess. This is way I recomand a goddess like dress:
Daca ai silueta in forma de clepsidra, atunci ar trebui sa stii ca te aflii printre putinele norocoase, numai 8% dintre femei avand o astfel de silueta. In cazul tau, chiar daca ai cateva kilograme in plus, acest lucru nu reprezinta o restrictie anume. Poti purta orice stil iti doresti, singurul meu sfat fiind doar sa eviti hainele prea largi si sa nu-ti ascunzi formele frumose!
Some final advices, for plus size woman:
- Don`t be afraid to wear bright colours! Don`t choose black just because you are a plus-size! A great dress, shapes your body better than anything.
- The length of a dress can actually make you look thinner!
- Don`t wear overwhelming styles and don`t try to hide your body in a shapelessdress! A dress should allways make you feel elegant and feminine
- Nu alege negrul doar pentru ca vrei sa pari mai slaba! O rochie potrivita, in culori vibrante, iti poate modela corpul mai bine decat crezi! Bazeaza-te mai mult pe forma rochiei, decat pe culoare, pentru a crea iluzia unui corp mai slab.
- Lungimea unei rochii chiar te poate face sa pari mai slaba.
- Nu incerca sa-ti ascunzi corpul, in rochii fara forma, doar pentru ca ai cateva kilograme in plus. O rochie trebuie mereu sa te faca sa te simti eleganta si feminina, indiferent de ce spune cantarul!
Where can you find some amaizing plus size bridesmaid dresses? Find on PersunMall some great dresses for your body type!
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