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31 January 2014

OOTD: Through the Snow

Nu sunt eu mare fan al iernilor oricum, dar parca de Craciun am fost si eu putin dezamagita ca nu am avut zapada. Asa ca, se pare ca am avut parte de legea compensatiei care ne-a dat zapada sa ne saturam.
Cel putin in Buzau, stirile nu exagereaza deloc! Pozele pe care le veti vedea mai jos sunt facute chiar in centrul orasului, sau in noua zona cu munti de zapada din centrul orasului.
S-a nimerit perfect sa-mi ajunga comanda mea de pe Oasap, mai ales ca am ales o pereche de ghete chiar pefecte pentru zapada!

Do you still remember how everybody was a little sad that we didn`t get a white Christmas? Well, a week ago started to snow and didn`t really stop untill now. So, the mountains of snow you see in my photos are actually downtown. And I also managed to get to the top on one of these. 
I was pretty lucky that my Easy Lace-up Ankle Boots from Oasap got to me this week, because they are great snow-boots!
Hope you enjoy the pictures!

Also brought some snow home :))


Boots: Oasap (Easy Lace-Up Ankle Boots)
Coat: SheInsideScarf: Similar Here and Here

The boots are really great! They are also availible in 5 colours and now are on sale, only $34,93 + free shipping!
Don`t forget to enter my DressLily Giveaway!
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  1. Imi place mult paltonul!
    Sa porti cu placere ghetele! :)

  2. Sunt superbe toate, aceasta tinuta ti se potriveste perfect! Cat despre vremea de afara, nu-mi vine sa cred cat ai facut pentru aceste poze,cred ca ai inghetat. Nu am vazut in viata mea atata zapada in centrul orasului :))

    1. O, da! Poti sa fii sigura ca am inghetat :)))
      Multumesc, Andreea! <3

  3. wow!! asta da zapada :D
    la mine in Zalau acum s`a topit...a ramas doar frigul :(
    imi plac mult ghetele si paltonul <3
    orice porti iti sta bine, caci esti frumi :*

    1. Multumesc, Printesazabib!
      Ne-am cam saturat toti de iarna! Sper sa se incalzeasca macar un pic

  4. vai ce imi plac ghetele <3 si paltonul e dragut ... si la mine e multa zapadaaaaa dar nu multi din aia :))

    1. Multumesc, Deyutza!
      Daca iti vine sa crezi, unde am facut eu pozele nu era zapada cea mai mare, ci doar asa, marime "medie":)))

  5. Cât de frumos se completează Å£inuta cu peisajul. RoÅŸu, negru, alb - perfect! ♥♥♥

  6. Love your blog so bright I love it. Thanks for commenting on my blog!


  7. Wow look at all that snow! So pretty, And you looked pretty too - all bundled up. Thanks for visiting my blog. Yes, will certainly keep in touch.
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  8. I love your coat!
    Mafalda ❤

  9. At last, the snow! Love your Oasap boots.

    Jasmine xx For a Real Woman

  10. love your red scarf ! :)


  11. OMG!!! That is a lot of snow. The photos are amazing!

    xx Mira


  12. Hiii!
    Thanks to visit my blog, i love it!
    Your blog is fantastic! Following! :D

    I love the snow, today here snowing :D


  13. super, dar nu vreau sa ma gandesc cum o sa arate cand incep sa se topeasca muntii aia de zapada

    1. Monica, sa stii ca la asta ma gandeam si eu. Dar pana la urma au venit si au luat muntii de zapada. Sper bucuria pietonilor si ...dezamagirea copiilor :)))


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