ears ago, I was crazy about hair extensions. I literally used to wear them every single day.
As you already know, my hair is really thin and somehow damaged, so it doesn`t really grow as much as I`d like to.
But I love long beautiful hair, so human hair extensions are the best next thing for me. Some people go for extension for extra style or to add volume to the hair, so it`s up to you how and why you use them.
I also like synthetic fiber extensions, mostly because they are cheaper, but I would strongly recommend the human hair ones.
I prefer the human hair extensions because:
- you can dye them as regular hair. So, if you want to change your hair colour, you can do the same to the human hair extensions and you don`t have to buy new ones;
- you can make them wavy, curly or straight, as you want;
- they are so easy to style, somethimes easier than your own hair.
There are a few types of hair extensions:
→ Tape In Hair Extensions
→ Clip In Hair Extensions
→ Micro Ring Hair Extensions
If it`s your first time trying hair extensions, maybe the Clip In are the best for you.
But, not all hair extensions have the same quality, especially if they are dyed. Most of blonde hair extensions are dyed. So, they don`t always look or feel that good.
To make sure you are buying the best quality, you should look for some details:
- they should feel light and easy. As your own hair, hair extensions can also have thin hair, with no volume or thickness..
- they must have a healty shine.
- they should have a healty colour
- look for dry or split ends
As for me, the last hair extensions I have ordered from Best Hair Store, are actually the best from my collection. I usually buy blonde hair extensions, so I can dye them myself, as I need. And, as I told you, since they are already dyed blonde, they are not always as healthy as I would like to.
Right now I am on a hair cleance, so I won`t dye my hair at all for at least a year, this is why I tried to choose something similar to my hair colour as it will be. I was going for some blonde balayage hair extensions, but they were not availible at the time, so I decided for highlights instead, and I `m glad I did.
This hair is so much smoother than mine, feels really soft and silky and it`s almost weightless, even though it`s really long.
Now, in the pictures below, I wore my hair straight, so you could see the lenght and the texture of the extensions easier, but I would totally recommend for you to wear extensions weavy, because they blend so much nicer with your own hair like that.
They were not only really-really great, but they were also cheap. Also, when I received the package, I`ve found some freebies, as a pair of eyelishes and a comb set.
Since I am so content with my order, I thought I should mention it to you, so you can check out the amazing extension collections you can find in this store.
I will probably post some pictures with them wavy in the future, but for now, I like them straight.
Shop my Hair Extensions Here: https://goo.gl/SdJZ7c


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Imi place foarte mult! Ti-ai pus toate clipsurile?
ReplyDeleteNu, cu doua minus. Pur si simplu nu mai aveam loc :))) Insa, in mod normal, eu port cam jumatate din ceea ce primesti in pachet. Mie nu imi sunt necesare toate.
DeleteImi plac extensiile, dar sa fie bine alese si bine puse. Singurul inconvenient pentru mine cred ca ar fi daca sunt prea lungi, mi se par incomode. Tie iti vin foarte bine.Sa le porti cu placere
ReplyDeleteMultumesc Lamiita, adevarul este ca sunt foarte incantata de ele!
DeleteMi-am crescut parul de ceva ani. tai din el doar cat e necesar, folosesc produse de ingrijire si regenerare. ma bucur ca macar de extensii de par nu am nevoie, investesc destul de mult in gene :)
ReplyDeleteSi eu il am la ” cura” in perioada aceasta, nu-l vopsesc si nu-l coafez prea mult, ca sa-i dau timp sa se regenereze si sa creasca. Dar lung cat extensiile acestea, nu cred ca o sa-l vad prea curand
DeleteWowww...you look so fine, I would like to buy a hair extension, my hair is short now...
ReplyDeleteNu am purtat niciodata extensii si nici nu ma tenteaza pentru ca eu in adolescenta am avut parul foarte lung si stiu cat de greu de purtat este, dar e o alternativa buna pentru cele care si-au doarit parul lung si nu l-au avut niciodata.
ReplyDeleteLa mine a fost invers, cand aveam parul lung era mult mai usor, pentru ca defapt, se cam aseza singur. La mine, cu cat e mai scurt, cu atat e mai greu de disciplinat, plus ca simt ca se degradeaza mai repede
DeleteIt looks so natural on you! One can see that the extension is high quality!
ReplyDeleteThey feel so smooth and nice!
DeleteNu am purtat niciodata, dar am perioade cand imi doresc si eu par mai voluminos. Cred ca doar la ocazii ceva, asa zilnic nu m-as incumeta.
ReplyDeleteSi eu tot cam la ocazii port extensiile, in ultima vreme. Desi nu sunt incomode, daca ai vrea, ai putea sa le porti si zilnic.
DeleteCa idee, dupa ce porti extensii o vreme, si le dai jos, o sa ti se para parul tau asa de rar si scurt si o sa devi brusc foarte nemultumita de podoaba ta capilara :)))
vai, ce frumoase sunt!! nici nu ma gandeam ca arata atat de natural!
ReplyDeleteSi arata muuuuult mai bine, pe parul ondulat.
DeleteWooow ce bine iti sta. Tare mult as vrea sa imi pun si eu extensii sa vad cum imi sta.
ReplyDeleteAi putea sa incerci ceva sintetic la inceput, cat sa-ti faci o parere. Dar nu te astepta sa le ai o viata, pentru ca, cele sintetice se incurca destul de repede, mai ales daca parul e lung si nu le mai poti descurca. Cele naturale sunt mai scumpe, clar, dar le poti folosi ani si ani, fara probleme. Insa cele sintetice sunt foarte ieftine, mai ales pe site-urile chinezesti
Deletepare o treaba buna dar cred ca nu m-as putea obisnui cu asa ceva, prefer parul meu!
ReplyDeleteAm si eu cateva extensii(4 seturi normale-culoare mea naturala si 2 colorate).Nu m-am incumetat insa sa command online pentru ca am preferat sa le vad /simt si le-am achizitionat de la targul de make-up de la Romexpo.
ReplyDeleteSa stii ca in Asia se fac majoritatea extensiilor si perucilor. Cica ar fi ramura importanta a industriei lor. Asa ca imi imaginez ca sunt destul de bune, la modul general. Insa daca nu le ingrijești corespunzator, incep sa ”naparleasca”. Pe cat posibil, eu evit sa le incarc cu produse de styling.
DeleteCe dragut arata extensiile. Sora mea foloseste extensii, eu nu am incercat pana acum deoarce sunt aproape sigura ca nu m-as simti in largul meu si le-as da jos imediat.
ReplyDeleteDaca te hotarasti sa le incerci, e mai bine sa rogi pe cineva sa te ajute sa le prinzi, cel putin la inceput, pentru ca daca nu le prinzi cum trebuie, te deranjeaza.
DeleteSe vad foarte frumos aceste extensii si daca n-ai fi mentionat ca sunt extensii, nici nu mi-as fi dat seama. Au fix aceeasi culoare cu parul tau si sunt usor de confundat
ReplyDeletewoooooooow..... cat de superb, nici nu am realizat ca sunt extensii. Vreau si eu :)