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23 January 2014

Trend Alert: Bandage Dress

Cel mai frustant lucru e cand moda impune articole si colectii care nu se potrivesc oricarei siluete. De cate ori nu vi s-a intamplat sa spuneti ca va place o rochie, dar nu ati putea sa o purtati niciodata?
In special, problematice sunt rochiile mulate, pentru o silueta mai... pufoasa. 
Totusi, vin cu o veste buna: s-au inventat rochiile care modeleaza silueta, orice silueta! Se numesc Bandage Dresses si sunt concepute pentru a acoperi defectele si a modela corpul. In plus, preturile sunt omenesti.

Have you ever been frustrated by the high standards of the fashion industry? How about all that gorgeous dresses that we could never wear because we happen to be maybe a little over-weight?
But now, the problem is solved! New in: bandage dresses, that can shape any silhoutte into a beautiful mermaid. Also, they come at very good prices!
They are mostly elegant or smart chic, classic, vintage or bohemic, but almost always glamorous. 

One of my favourites, is this retro -white dress, White V Neck Metalic Tassel Sexy Bandage Dress.
 I can easily see me wearing this at a white beach party. 
It comes in different sizes, from XS, S, M , L, and it`s on sale, only $109. The Tassel elements makes it very interesting, and the colour is perfect. I  would choose this dress for spring, summer days and winter chic events! Click  on the picture for more details or to order!

A red dress can be a lovely choice for a bussines party, but also properly accessoriezed, a great dress for work days. It`s ice silk and coton, so it`s pretty good quality and confortable, and a very elegant dress, with the great neck shape. 
This Boat-Neck Red Bandage Dress it`s also on sale, and you can find it in different sizes, starting from XS to L, at a very good price  $125 ($25 off). I just think this dress is perfect for summer, autumn, but also winter events. Just click on the pictures above to order or for more details!

If cute and girly is more your style, here is my choice for you!
 This great Spell Color Geometric Hollow Chest Bandage Dress  is also, on sale, only $109 and the sape and vivid colours are just a  perfect combo!
 Availible in many sizes that can fit you all: XS, S, M ,L. A lovely dress for summer days and chilly spring morning events! Click on the picture above, to order, or for more details!

If you really want a great dress at a bargain price, here is this mint green dress at only $30! 
The Light Green Deep V Neck Strapless Sexy Bandage Dress is 66% off, and it`s such a great dress for a party. It shapes your figure so beautifully, and I love the knee-length and the great fabric, a blend of silk and coton, that seems so confortable! 
Perfect for spring and summer! 
Click on the picture above for details.

With oriental details, this dress is the perfect choice for so many romantic nights! 
The Light Blue Sexy Halter Short-Sleeved Beaded Bandage Dress cames in many sizes, a beautiful shade, and a lovely price, only $139. 
It`s the perfect dress for Spring, or for the Valentine`s Day!. Just click on the pictures above for more details!

As for a special occasion dress, I would choose this royal blue dress! 
This Blue Mesh Splicing Beaded Sexy Gown Dress is meat to be a spring dress, but there is no limit to the occasion you can wear it. 
Being such an elegant floor-length dress, you can wear it at any special occcasion, also on weddings and themed parties! It cames in different sizes and it`s also on sale, only $119! It`s really a bargain. Click on the picture above for more details, or to order!

With a beautiful pattern and vivid colours, this is dress is definitely on my wishlist! 
Also, on sale, only $109! 
This Black And Blue Mixed Color Strapless Sexy Bandage Dress is perfect for Fall, but also great for early Spring. Availible in many sizes (XS, S, M, L), this dress shapes your silhoulte beautifully and keeps you in style. It`s also a great dress to hide a few pounds! 
For details or to order, just click on the picture above!

A white statement dress, that I could tottaly see a modern Marilyn Monroe wearing! 
This White Halter Hem Slim Sexy Bandage Dress  is perfect for Fall, it`s elegant and stylish and on sale, only $109! 
You can find it availible in many sizes (XS, S, M, L) and it`s a great dress for a dearing woman! To order, just click on the picture above!

Red is the colour of love and I think this dress will be a perfect fit for Valentine`s Day! 
This Elegant Fishtail Flounced Hem Off Shoulder Dress is perfect for Winter! But being so chilly here in this time of year, I would also think this dress can be perfect for Valentine`s Day! 
It`s so simple and elegant, with the great fishtail, and the off-shoulder details, that I think this dress it`s romantic and beautiful! You can find it in many sizes that will fit you perfectly, and it`s only $89! Click on the pictures above to order!

One o more conservative note, this dress is a stunning item for a classy woman. 
Also, on sale, only $109! This Black And White Plaid Dress With Side Pleats it`s perfect for Fall, and different occasion. 
I like it that is simple, feminine, but also pleats embellished, that makes it very special. You can find your size, just clicking on the picture above!

How about this dress? Do you think this could be your new favourite? 
What I like most about this Blue Elegant Abstract Floral Bandage Dress is the nice neckline, as the great pattern, not mentioning the beautiful royal colour! 
It`s also currently on sale, only $109, and you can find your proper size, just clicking on the picture above! Perfect for Spring!

The fashion icon, Blake Lively, or Serena, as we all know her, is wearing this grey stunning dress. 
You can also find it on sale, just click on the photo! 
This Gray Serpentine Printed Halter Strap Sexy Bandage Dress is perfect for Spring, chic and youthful, and you can also make a good deal if you buy it now: only $109! The great design and the beautiful combo between the geometrical  pattern and the print fabric makes it into a beautiful statement dress! 
Do you love this dress?

So, what do you think? Do you like the new trend? Do you like the new bandage dresses 
Feel free to comment below!

Don`t forget to enter my 2 international Giveaways:
DressLily Giveaway- ends 9th February  / Valentine`s Day Giveaway- ends 26 January

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  1. Those dresses are beautiful, I loved the first one
    Keep in touch

  2. Thank you for this amazing selection!
    I love all the dresses;specially the black one!

  3. RochiÅ£a roÅŸie, din cea de-a doua poză - e perfectă! ♥

  4. Oh my gosh I absolutely love the third dress and her jacket!


  5. love those dresses!!!

    Passando para desejar um ótimo dia!
    The Red Lil' Shoes Blog

  6. these bandages dresses looks awesome, i love all the above collections


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