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05 November 2013

Anniversary Giveaway- Open worldwide!

Multe dintre voi inca isi amintesc ca pe 30 noiembrie, cu doi ani in urma a luat fiinta acest blog. Asa ca, precum v-am obisnuit, luna noiembrie e luna concursurilor aniversare!
De data aceasta, sponsorul generos este Everbuying, un magazin online in care nu gasiti doar hainute si accesorii, ci... practic tot ce va doriti, de la telefoane, jucarii sau accesorii de orice fel pentru casa, birou sau masina.
Am uitat sa va spun? Preturile sunt foarte-foarte mici! Sa va arat dintre preferatele mele:

Hi, girls! Many of you still remember that on 30th November two years ago I was writing the first post on this blog. So I was thinking we should start this month celebrating my blog`s aniversary with a giveaway.
This time, the lovely sponsor is the Everbuying online shop. Everbuying is different from other online shops dedicated mostly to woman clothes and accesories and, as you can see for yourself, here you can find everything from cellphones to toys, computer accesories and car electronics. Not to mention the very good prices!
Here are some of my favourite items:

These cute mp3 players cost only $ 2,17! I must say they work very well, because I also have one for some time now.

Aceste mp3 players costa doar $ 2,17 si daca va mai amintiti, va spuneam ca am unul identic (nuanta gri) de ceva timp si va pot spune cu siguranta ca functioneaza perfect. Nu-mi vine sa cred ca eu l-am cumparat la $ 16!
Do you like temporary highlights? These one are fantastic and easy to make!

Eu recunosc ca am cautat foarte mult timp ceva pentru suvinte colorate (dar nu permanente) si tot ce am gasit sunt cateva nuante de rimel pentru par, dar care se aplica greu si imi incurca parul. Gasiti o solutie perfecta, usoara si ieftina aici!

These gorgeous tattos cost only$ 3,35!
In sfarsit un site de unde pot sa cumpar aceste minunatii!

Do you want something cool for your kids? How about a turtle that sings and also projects stars and constelation? 

Daca vreti sa faceti fericit un copil (sau un copil mai mare), brosca testoasa care lumineaza, canta si proiecteaza constelatii e perfecta! Costa $ 13,77! 

Hainute gasiti pentru toate gusturile, majoritatea sunt in jur de $10 si bonus, transportul e gratuit!

The woman`s clothes are cheap and beautiful. And there is free shipping!

Now let`s see what you can win!
Hadeti sa vedem si ce puteti castiga:
One winner can choose any of these items. And if you want something alse from Everbuying.com, you can choose your prize yourself (from items unde $15). Enter the form below:

Vom avea un singur castigator care va primi premiul din imagine la alegere, sau isi poate alege ce isi doreste (dintre articolele sub 15$). Conditiile le gasiti in formularul de mai jos!

a Rafflecopter giveaway Good luck!


  1. Rochii,genti,ambianță sunt frumoase,dar nu-mi plac pantofii ...Și,desigur esti frumoasa :)

  2. Îţi mulţumim pentru tot, Cătălina! :-)

  3. Acsinte Lorena IsabelaNovember 5, 2013 at 6:47 PM

    Interesant site si foaaaaarte accesibil, ai descoperit ceva super!

  4. la cat mai multi ani de blogging si la multi ani

  5. superba rochita merge lejer la un cockteil , cred ca sunt invidioasa , glumeam , e superba

  6. Imi place rochita: eleganta, feminina esti super!

  7. La multi ani scumpa, si multumim de concurs! :*

  8. La multi ani, concursul este super!

  9. La multi ani scumpa!!

  10. La multi ani de blog cu multe postari interesante !

  11. gfc, pinterest, yt, fb name - Magdalena Jezierska
    email - madzia3991@interia.eu

  12. Thank you for this amazing giveaway!
    I entered with pleasure!
    Have a great weekend!

  13. Wow superb Giveaway big wish to win Thanks for this huge giveaway :)

  14. Thanks for the giveaway! I'd love to pick something from their site (for under $15) because they have gorgeous and cheap items!
    All the best,
    KAterina Karagoceva

  15. partecipo e condivido fb baldo sanfilippo email baldo.sanfilippo@alice.it


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