27 April 2017

Trend Alert: Loose Shirt Dress

s you remember, last year`s crazy popular trend was off the shoulder shirts and dresses, this year`s is Loose Shirt Dress. They were pretty, but I felt that they were not that comfortable to wear. So, this Spring, we have a new trend alert. And I must admit, I love it. It is a great apparel for hot days, they can be very easy styled in many ways, and most important, loose shirt dresses, really fit all sizes!
You can also check out some of my favourite styles of white mini dress, because I still love the white lace outfit ideas.
Actually, the Loose Shirt Dress, is not a new trend, but a revived vintage one. Sure, nowdays, it is always with a twist.
They can bee feet lenght, or mini, asymmetric or with a simple design, and can easily be accesorized with a belt. So, yes, we can expect a big come-back of the belts very soon.
They can be formal, informal, casual, office, or beach dresses. I don`t believe you can find a time or place and not be able to wear a loose shirt dress.

It is stylish, classy and can flatter any silhuette- curvy or skinny, short or very tall. It is also age appropriate for youth but also for an ageing woman, as you can choose the lenght and style as you like.

So I am very happy with this trend and can`t wait to do some shopping.
Check out some styles and let me know what you like!

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  1. If you are thin, I hhink it's acceptable to wear something like that
    Otherwise......I don't think so!

  2. Imi plac optiunile tale, toate! Nu am comanda niciodata de pe site-ul asta. Merci pt recomandare :)

  3. Imi place foarte mult site-ul mai ales pentru faptul ca se gasesc si haine plus size.

  4. Frumoase alegeri, o sa ma uit si eu pe site, nu am comandat de la ei nimic inca :)

  5. Nici nu puteam sa nu ne potrivim in gusturi. Imi plac toate :)

  6. Imi plac cateva variante din cele prezentate. Totusi eu as prefera sa port si ceva in talie, dupa ca ce sunt eu grasa, m-as enerva sa atarne ceva pe mine ca un cort, desi recunosc c ape tipele astea slabe se vede frumos asa lejer, dar eu nu m-as simti confortabil.

  7. foarte frumoase, imi plac...penultima este cea mai tare zic eu!

  8. Pana acum nu am comandat nimic de la ei, dar daca rochiile nu prea sunt pe gudstul meu camasile sunt extraordinare.

  9. Mi se pare interesanta moda cu camasile-rochii. Consider ca trebuie sa ai un corp ideal pentru a ti se potrivi.

  10. Un site plin cu lucruri frumoase, moderne si la preturi excelente! Cum o fi cu transportul!?

  11. There some outfits that suit me too, I like them a lot and I think I'm gonna order them on that site... thank you!

  12. Imi plac alegerile tale, sunt perfecte pentru vara.

  13. Arata foarte bine toate hainutele prezentate, nu stiam de site pana acum. :)

  14. imi plac rochitele lejere, chiar daca nu ma prea incant in general dupa aceste hainute, nu sunt stilul meu. ma tot uitam zilele astea pe site si vazusem niste tricouri faine... cred ca urmeaza o comanda cat de curand!

  15. Imi plac mult hainutele de pe acest site, iar alegerile tale imi plac mult.

  16. Foarte dragute aceste rochite-camasa, cred ca-s excelente pe timp de vara fiind racoroase.

  17. Damn giiiirl, i love them all, sunt superbe, imi place mult aces gen de camasi.

  18. Imi plac alegerile tale. Cred ca in momentul in care vrei sa evidentiezi talia, poti apela la o curea

  19. Imi place foarte tare rochita neagra scurta de bumbac...este simpla dar senzationala daca sti cum sa o accesorisezi! Frumoasa selectie de poze, inspiratie multa!


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