16 September 2016

3 Ways to have Fun (and to look cool)

English Only

Do you want to take a break from playing on your computer but can`t find something that really fun and cool to do? Here are some really unique ways to have a party with your friends and family or just have fun by yourself!

1. Pool party and water games

Make your own water Amusement Park in your backyard! All you need are some Water Bubbles to play. They are so much safer for kids and so much more fun than your tipical ballon or floaties.
But what if you don`t have pool? Well, it`s actually pretty cheap to just buy an inflatable one. And if you do have a pool, a small inflatable pool can be a great floatie for your kinds to play while being safe, or a cool place for you to relax.

If you are lucky enough to live by the sea, there are all kinds of party ideas for you. Did you know that you can buy a whole Amusezment Park with Trampoline and all? That would be the best vacation ever.

If you are still wondering if the kids should play with this, here is a clasic idea for you: Kids Amusement Castel, also inflatable

2. Bubble soccer

Yes, it`s a real thing and it`s really fun.
First, that`s a soccer game I`d like to watch! Just imagine how fun it would look like. Second, it`s appropriate for adults to play along with the children.
Usually, soccer can be a little brutal, as you can easily get injured by falling down. Being a bubble ball, you can not be safer. So go and check out some great soccer games ideas here: https://www.inflatable-zone.com/inflatabel-game/soccer-arena.html

It`s not only soccer you can play with these cool inflatable balls. You can try a really fun hide and seak, a running contest or jumping an inflatable trampoline while wearing a bumper ball.
That a look at the Online Shop Bumper Balls and take a moment to image all the cool games you can play with them.

3. Inflatable Tent Relax Corner

Yes, I saved the best for the end.
All these ideas look great for most of the people, but if your idea of fun is to just sit back and relax maybe with a book and a smotie, here is something that might appeal to you: the inflatable tents that go for summer and winter as well.
You think it`s a corny idea? Just take a look at the beautiful, chic and relaxing tents below!

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  1. Ce fain arata toate! Mi-ar placea si mie un Inflatable Tent Relax Corner :)

  2. Mamicule, nu-s de noi :D Sunt faine dar nu se tine pe noi punga pentru asa ceva.

  3. I just love the tent relax corner, it will be perfect for my garden.

  4. Ce distractiv ar fi sa gasim asa ceva in vacanta!!

  5. It looks so amazing, I would like to relax myself in these places!

  6. I say no to having fun in water because (I can't swim) but I must admit that I love the idea of having a tent like the one you wrote about.

  7. wow, how nice look that, i want one <3

  8. mi-ar placea sa incerc asa ceva, sigur!!!

  9. what, that tent looks amazing in snow! but... how do you heat it?

    1. Sunt niste aparate similare aerului conditionat care baga aer cald. Si in poza se poate observa un fel de furtun gros care sigur face parte din acel aparat. Stiu ca am vazut ceva asemanator folosit pentru incalzirea magazinelor mici pe timpul iernii sau la chioscurile in aer liber iarna.

  10. Ar fi interesant sa incerc asa ceva. Nu stiu daca pot folosi o chestie de acest gen pentru ca am impresia ca ma sufoc

  11. Nu cred ca sufar de claustrofobie dar am impresia ca ma sufoc in acel balon si nici macar nu am intrat in el

  12. Wow , awesome. How would to have your crystal ball ?

  13. Asta da distractie. Cu siguranta as sta toata ziua in acest loc.

  14. Cool, want some too :-) but that's not for our weather because when it snows it snows here and that tent will be burried in snow


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