Are you enjoying the hot days as I am? Summer might be fun, but there are some problems, too. Today I am going to review a wonderful device that can really change your summer days (and your life)!
So, thanks to Sarah, I had the great opportunity to test the Kulcar - the Solar Powered Car Ventilator.
Zilele acestea calduroase, m-am bucurat foarte mult ca am avut oportunitatea sa testez un produs pe cat de simplu, pe atat de revolutionar, in opinia mea: Kulcar- Ventilator solar pentru masina.
This is how the Kulcar looks like. And here are my top reasons for everybody should try it:
- If your car doesn`t have air conditioner, Kulcar is a cheap and efficient way to cool your car;
- Even if you have air conditioner, it mostly works when the car works, right? Kulcar is solar powered and this means, you can park your car everywhere and for how long you want to. It will cool your car in now time.
- It can save you the gas you use for the air conditioner. The SAE found that running an air conditioner in an automobile decreased gas mileage by 5 to 10%;
- There are many concerns with harmful fumes like methyl, acrolein, butanone, toluene, benzene, propyl benzine,etc.,are released. So, when the temperature rises above 65 degree, the air inside your car might be harmful to you. Many people don`t know this, but the air outside the car is usually more clean.
- When you use your car for shorter trips, the air conditioner doesn`t even has the time to cool the air until you get back. Kulcar the cooling before you even start the car.
- Environment friendly
Iata cateva dintre motivele pentru care ar trebui sa testati noul Kulcar:
- E o alternativa mai ieftina si eficienta la aerul conditionat;
- Chiar daca aveti aer conditionat in masina, el functioneaza practic doar cand masina merge, in timp ce Kulcar functioneaza oricand e soare afara. Iar daca vara e imposibil sa gasesti un loc de parcare la umbra, Kulcar poate functiona de zori pana in seara, fara oprire si fara alimentare;
- In plus, cand mergi cu masina pentru perioade scurte de timp, aerul conditionat are nevoie de ceva timp sa raceasca masina, in timp ce, Kulcar poate fi lasat sa functioneze intreaga zi si oricand vrei sa pleci undeva, aerul din masina e racoros si proaspat;
- Inca un avantaj pe care il ofera Kulcar e faptul ca el functioneaza pe energie solara (care e gratis:D), in timp ce aerul conditionat consuma cam 5-10% din benzina;
- Dar cel mai important aspect e faptul ca aerul conditionat permite la anumite temperaturi sa patrunda in masina si diverse emisii rezultate din arderea combustibilului cum ar fi methyl, acrolein, butan, toluen, benzen etc. Daca ati avut vreodata acel "rau de masina" stiti ca e vorba de un miros usor de benzina pe care il simtiti in interiorul masinii (adica exact acele emisii care ii "scapa" aerului conditionat") stiti despre ce vorbesc. De obicei, aerul de afara e mult mai curat decat ne imaginam si astfel, un simplu ventilor e mult mai sigur.
Eu sunt foarte incantat de simplitatea, usurinta de a-l folosi si eficienta sa, dar mai ales de usurinta de a-l "instala":
The instructions are very easy:
And here is how it looks like:
And here is how it looks inside the car:
Here are some pictures of me testing the Kulcar :)
I`ve also made a fun video for you to watch so you can see how il looks like "live" and how to start and turn off the Kulcar. Don`t worry, it`s so easy!
Am filmat si un clip unde vedeti mai multe poze, cum functioneaza "live" si mai ales cum sa-l porniti si sa-l opriti.
Kulcar should really be your new best friend this summer!
Find more info on the Kulcar Facebook Page and you can purchace Kulcar here:
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Un produs cel puลฃin interesant. รn fapt, o necesitate pe timp de varฤ! :-)
ReplyDeletece interesanta e chestiuta asta. o sa ii propun si prietenului meu ca tot timpul se plange de aerul conditionat de la masina sa
ReplyDeleteLooks really like a great concept!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing!
It s the first time I see it.
Foarte interesant . desi nu am masina , o sa-l recomand catorva persoane . cred ca ar fii incantate .