21 February 2014

Quick test: Party Dress- Classy or Glamour. Make your wishlist!

Pe vremea cand ma uitam la Gossip Girl, eram mereu uimita de cate petreceri si baluri puteau fi in viata preferatelor noastre, Blair si Serena. Tot de aici am ramas cu obsesia rochiilor incredibile purtate de ele, in special de Serena prin primele sezoane si de Blair in ultimele.
Asa ca, de fiecare data cand trebuie sa aleg o rochie spectaculoasa, pentru o ocazie speciala, caut mai mult sau mai putin constient, modele asemanatoare. Mai mult ca sigur nu ati uitat rochia rosie a lui Blair sau pe cea aurie a Serenei. Si ne putem inspira usor din stilul lor.
Dar inainte de toate, am cateva reguli in ceea ce priveste accesorizarea.

When I was watching Gossip Girl, I was always amazed by all that glamorous parties our Serena and Blair had to attend. The dresses were perfect, the events classy and the girls looked so beautiful.
But even if we don`t live on the "Upper East Side" and we don`t have the Snowflake ball, Homecoming or the Cotillion, we still have parties and weddings to attend.
Choosing the perfect dress can be difficult. So it`s always a good idea to get inspired by celebrety dresses or even movie characters.
But first, some quick tips about the accesories!

Majoritatea prefera sa cumpere intai rochia si apoi sa construiasca o tinuta in jurul ei. Aceasta metoda iti poate da o mare bataie de cap, in special daca intentionezi sa te asortezi si la culori. Defapt, cel mai indicat ar fi sa optezi pentru accesorii neutre, care sa nu puna in umbra rochia (care trebuie sa ramana elementul central). De exemplu, e foarte simplu  (si ieftin) sa optezi pentru o pereche de pantofi nude, cu toc mediu, care se vor potrivi perfect la orice rochie, indiferent de stil, plus ca te vei simti confortabil. (Nu vrei sa fii una dintre "domnisoarele" care se descalta pe sub masa la nunti, nu?)
Si alegerea e mult mai economica decat daca ai alege o pereche mai sofistitcata, ramanandu-ti astfel mai multi bani pentru rochie.

If you haven`t decided jet about the color of your dress (and anyhow, you shouldn`t match everything by the color), you can always choose neutral colors. For the shoes, you can go with almond/ beige/ cream. Also, remeber, it`s best to go for mid heels (it`s important to feel comfy if you plan to dans all night long, right?)
Look at these beautiful, classy and elegant pumps! Most important, they are comfy, and don`t overpower the dress. That is because the dress must be the center of attention. I don`t advice against the glamorous shoes, but it`s always best to have a great pair of pumps that you really like (and maybe wear them more often than only on special occasions) and that makes you feel good. Also, they are buget friendly, so you get to spend more on the dress.

Nici bijuteriile nu trebuie sa iti dea bataie de cap. Evita sa incerci sa iti asortezi bijuteriile la rochie si alege ceva simplu, precum o pereche de cercei lungi, sau doar inelul tau preferat (exact cum avea Blair inelul in forma de inima de care nu se despartea niciodata). Nu uita ca rochia e elementrul central, iar daca rochia e deja incarcata, eventual cu propriile bijuterii sau paiete, atunci e indicat sa eviti sa te "incarci cu bijuterii". Mai putin, e si mai elegant!

As for the jewellery, keep it simple! If the dress has great details and paterns, you don`t have to wear too many jewellery. Also, you don`t have to match them by the color of the dress, after all, you are not Barbie!
You can choose a pair of chandelier earings or just a trade-mark ring. Do you remember the heart shaped ring that Blair wore all the time? I think that`s an excelent idea, you can also get inspired and go for a heart shaped ring!
For me, these 2 items are definitely  on my wishlist!

Now let`s think about the dress. Are you a Blair or a Serena?
That the test and find out!

Iata un test simplu care va ajuta sa va alegeti rochia perfecta. Are doar 3 intrebari si la sfarsit puteti afla care este stilul potrivit!

Blair type dress:
If you are a classy and elegant girl, you should go for a classy, vintage dress, that will make you feel like a queen. The A-line dress is perfect because it really compliments your figure and jet make you look like a powerful woman. This dress will suit you even better if you are petite. Since you don`t really like to outshine everybody, the dress should be nude, black, or pastel. 

Serena type dress
If you are a Serena, you really are a star. You like to turn heads arround, carefree, you are effortless and a risk-taker. You look good no matter what you wear. But when it comes to dresse, you are a guru. Romantic, luxurious, elegant and chic dresses are your favourites. You do like to wear dresses that will make people say that you are simply gorgeous. You love princess-like dresses, glitter and glamour. You are not shy and love to be in the spotlight. 

Did you decide about the dress jet? If not, you should take a look here, only great dresses!
Daca inca nu va puteti decide, va invit sa vizitati acest site, unde veti gasi  ad-literam peste zece mii de modele de rochite elegante!

For The Dresses Giveaway, enter here, you can win pretty dresses like this gorgeous dress:

Please follow me :

Vote my Looks:


  1. I do remember and this one is gorgeous.. :)
    Keep in touch

  2. So beautiful pieces!
    I ove the pumps!
    Have a fab weekend!

  3. A doua rochita de un galben pal este mai pe placul meu, prima e prea pretentioasa. :)

  4. super quiz <3 foarte dragute si rochiile :)

  5. Ce tare mi-a placut articolul :P
    Si eu am vizionat Gossip Girl si chiar imi placea Blair mai mult :D Frumoase rochitele!!

  6. ANTOHE CRISTINA-ELENAFebruary 27, 2014 at 10:54 AM

    elegante si comode

  7. Beautiful dresses i really like :)

  8. It is my favourite: http://www.romwe.com/romwe-white-heart-pattern-red-chiffon-shirt-p-71927.html

    I want to win.
    Fb: Zana Atoloz
    GFC: Zana Zolota


  9. done, thanks!
    gfc: isa val
    fb: cogito ergosum

  10. Love the beautiful ring :)
    FB: Naama Shalom
    GFC: נעמה שלום
    EMAIL: tink19@walla.co.il

  11. I love the gown for Blair. It is very classy.

  12. Foarte frumos inelul..
    Iuliana Dobre

  13. Beautiful dresses! I'm kinda like Serena dress =)

  14. eu sunt Serena,,ce fanii mia placut mult de tot .pop


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