06 February 2013

Tentatie vestimentara: SheInside

Since I allways keep you posted with my online shops discoveries and news, I must tell you about SheInside.com. Before I tell you more about the clothes, I must mention the good news: Free Wordwide Shipping; and the best news: New sign-ups get 15% off coupons! An that`s not all. Enjoy 20% discount for Valentine`s Day shopping!

Pentru ca va tin mereu la curent cu ultimele mele descoperiri legate de magazinele online, trebuie sa va povestesc si despre SheInside.com. Inainte sa va prezint modele deosebite de haine si accesorii, trebuie sa va spun si vestile bune: SheInside va ofera transport gratuit oriunde in lume iar utilizatorii care isi fac cont nou, beneficiaza de un cupon de reducere de 15%. In plus, de Valentine`s day, beneficiati si de 20% discount la orice cumparaturi!

I fell inlove with SheInside Style as soon as I saw these beauties! I do enjoy a feminin and elegant outfit more than anything. Also love these stylish earrings and the two neckless above. The items are classy and youthfull. Just perfect...
M-am indragostit de SheInside imediat ce am vazut aceste modele frumoase. Prefer tinutele elegante si clasice. De asemenea ador cercelusii de mai sus si cele doua modele deosebite de coliere. Modelele sunt femine si tineresti. Pur si simplu perfecte...


If you are still looking for warm coats for winter/spring, you shoud really check these items out! Best prieces and best fabric. My choices are also elegant and stylish, as you can see. I also enjoy a fine animal print and navy colours. But black and white are allways appropriate.

Daca inca sunteti in cautarea unor haini calduroase pentru iarna/primavara, va invit sa ma uitati si la aceste modele! Cele mai bune preturi pentru materiale de calitate. Preferatele mele sunt si de data asta, modele elegante si feminine. Tot printre preferatele mele sunt modelele animal print si cele culorile navy. Iar cu alb si negru nu poti gresi niciodata!


I usually choose elegant and classy items, but, for teens, I would recomand these youthfull ideas: leggins and colourful long&short pants. They are cheereful and sweet.  And the hat is the cutest of all!
De obicei aleg modele feminine si elegante, dar, pentru tineri, as recomanda aceste modele de colanti, pantaloni scurti si pantaloni skinny. Modele sunt incantatoare si simpatice. Iar caciulita e cea mai draguta din toate!

But the best SheInside has to offer are these beautiful lace dresses. Of, course, on the web, you can find many more items, but these desses are on my wishlist. White lace dresses are breath-taking. The back ones are so classy and mysterious. They can surely can make any girl feel like a princess!
I also selected some jewelry to match these dresses. I am so inlove with the oriental design of the bracelets with rings.  What do you tink? Which one is your favourite?

Daca pana acum nu v-am convins, priviti aceste superbe modele de rochite cu dantela! Desigur, in magazin gasiti mult mai multe modele, dar acestea sunt cele pe care mi le doresc cel mai mult. Rochiile din dantela alba sunt pur si simplu perfecte! Iar modelele negre sunt atat de elegante si rafinate. Cu siguranta orice fata s-ar simti ca o printesa sa poarte aceste rochii!
Am ales si cateva modele de bijuterii care se potrivesc cu aceste modele de rochii. Cel mai mult imi plac bratarile cu influente orientale, cu inel, dar si cerceii lungi. Ce parere aveti? Care sunt preferatele voastre? 
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