Imi amintesc si acum primul meu an de facultate. Cel mai multi imi placea cand aveam cursurile in cladirea de la Romana. Bineinteles ca in drum spre metrou, faceam un mic popas la McDonalds si mai tarziu, am descoperit si magazinul MiniPRIX. Asta se intampla prin 2003 si cred ca e singurul magazin caruia i-am ramas fidela pana acum.
Si acest lucru s-a intamplat din doua motive: in primul rand ca nu s-au schimbat si a ramas acelasi magazin unde gasesti lucruri foarte frumoase, de calitate si mai ales super ieftine. Si al doilea motiv e ca acum au si un magazin online. Imi amintesc ca desi ma duceam foarte des in MiniPRIX, marfa se vinde atat de repede ca ramaneau doar marimile foarte mari sau foarte mici, asa ca, pentru mine a fost o mare bucurie magazinul online.
Iar acum, daca nu ati auzit deja, MiniPRIX au si o gama larga de cosmetice: profesionale Kerastase, Loreal, Mario Badescu, Bruno Vassari, CHI, Kallos, Anubis, Enliven, Oyster, Sinergy, Alfaparf dar si produse cosmetice bio de la Bio Cosmetica, Institutul Spaniol, Argan Yca.
31 March 2014
28 March 2014
OOTD: So Spring
Saptamana trecuta mi-au sosit cele mai multe colete. Am zis ca o sa fac poze si cateva impresii, dar pana la urma am tot amanat. Dar o sa le vedeti oricum in tinute in curand si o sa va povestesc mai multe atunci. Preferatele mele au fost: trenciul de la Oasap care arata foarte bine si e perfect pentru primavara si toata comanda de pe Kurtmann. Apropo, trenciul este la reducere acum si in plus, la prima comanda aveti reducere de 16%. Si pe Kurtamann sunt reduceri foarte bune si colectie noua, de primavara. Dar inainte de toate, sa va arat pozele si dupa va spun mai multe.
Last week some of my latest buys have arrived and I wanted to show you them all, but I became so busy that I forgot to take more pictures. But no worries! You will se me wearing them soon enough :)
But, like allways I have some favourites and some of these items I have been wearing a lot. First, here is the Oasap Lace Trench, which is so gorgeous, classy and beautiful. You should check it out, because now it`s also on sale! Btw, for first order you have 16% off!
Also, I`ve made a new order from Kurtmann and, as espected, I loved it! I am actually wearing here the pants and the Shirt.You should take a look on the site, because they are having big sales!
But let me show you the pictures and then I`ll tell you more!
Last week some of my latest buys have arrived and I wanted to show you them all, but I became so busy that I forgot to take more pictures. But no worries! You will se me wearing them soon enough :)
But, like allways I have some favourites and some of these items I have been wearing a lot. First, here is the Oasap Lace Trench, which is so gorgeous, classy and beautiful. You should check it out, because now it`s also on sale! Btw, for first order you have 16% off!
Also, I`ve made a new order from Kurtmann and, as espected, I loved it! I am actually wearing here the pants and the Shirt.You should take a look on the site, because they are having big sales!
But let me show you the pictures and then I`ll tell you more!
25 March 2014
Quick Giveaway: only 5 days to enter
Daca va mai amintiti de bluzita de dantela pe care am comandat-o si eu anul trecut, acum o puteti castiga si voi!
Conditiile sunt simple, ca de obicei. Tot ce trebuie sa faci e sa completezi formularul de mai jos si peste 5 zile premiul poate fi al vostru:
Conditiile sunt simple, ca de obicei. Tot ce trebuie sa faci e sa completezi formularul de mai jos si peste 5 zile premiul poate fi al vostru:
24 March 2014
The 48- Hour Day
Anul 2014
Orasul: Crime City
Populatie: 945.000 de locuitori
Rata Criminalitatii: 60.000 de condamnari la 100.000 de locuitori
Play and Win on JollyChic
What`s your favourite activity for Easter? Do you like to crack Easter Eggs? Now you can also win coupons to spend on JollyChic.
Pe JollyChic aveti un joculet in urma caruia puteti castiga cupoane de cumparaturi. Cupoanele nu sunt de reduceri, deci puteti sa le folositi intergal, fara sa fiti conditionati sa cumparati de o anumita suma.
Ce trebuie sa faceti:
- Creati-va cont si logati-va apoi cu acel cont;
- Intrati in aplicatie si jucati-va de maxim 3 ori in fiecare zi pentru a castiga una din cele 3 cupoane de: $5, $10, $50.
Summer is almost here on SheInside
Are you getting ready for summer? On SheInside, Summer is almost here! Here you have a new summer dresses collection that you will love:
Daca va pregatiti deja pentru vara, SheInside a dat deja startul la ofertele de vara. O noua colectie de rochite va asteapta!
Daca va pregatiti deja pentru vara, SheInside a dat deja startul la ofertele de vara. O noua colectie de rochite va asteapta!
22 March 2014
Povestea celor trei purcelusi: "Primavara asta sunt si eu constructor"
Intr-o padure indepartata traiau trei purcelusi. Cel mare abia se intorsese de la Academia Militara din Padurea de Argint ; era puternic si curajos si era renumit pentru ca putea indoi surcelele fara nici un efort. Cel mijlociu era un artist talentat ce terminase Facultatea de Arte din Padurea de Aur si putea crea cu usurinta figurine din paie atat de frumoase, ca animalele din padurile vecine veneau pentru a vedea minunatiile.
Cel mic insa, nu seamana deloc cu ceilalti frati ai sai. Era timid, sperios si nu avea nici unul dintre talentele fratilor sai mai mari, motiv pentru care acestia doi mereu il necajeau.
Tot pe vremea aceea, in padure traia un lup fioros si mare iubitor de purcelusi pane, frigarui sau la protap. Intreaga padure se cutremura cand urletul prelung si infiorator al lupului flamand se auzea in puterea noptii.
Asa ca, cei trei frati s-au decis ca ar fi cel mai intelept sa-si construiasca o casuta, unde sa fie la adapost de infricosatorul lup. Insa cei trei purcelusi nu au putut cadea deloc de acord asupra planului, structurii sau aspectului casei. Asa ca s-au decis ca fiecare sa isi faca propria casa, dupa puterile si priceperea fiecaruia.
Cum era de asteptat, purcelusul cel mare si-a facut, aproape fara nici un efort, in numai 3 zile, o casa din surcele. Foarte mandru si sigur pe sine, a pornit sa isi viziteze fratele mijlociu pentru a vedea cum se descurca.
Giveaway Aromat
Dam drumul la un nou concurs, de data aceasta deschis national!
Premiul este unul oferit de I Love Cosmetics Romania si consta intr-un unt de corp Vanilla& Ice Cream si un gel exfoliant din aceeasi gama.
Premiul este unul oferit de I Love Cosmetics Romania si consta intr-un unt de corp Vanilla& Ice Cream si un gel exfoliant din aceeasi gama.
21 March 2014
Radiant Orchid: 2014 Collection on DressV
I have been showing to you, my lovely readers some of my favourite prom dresses or special occasion dresses for a while now.
But I think some of you still can`t decide. It is pretty difficult, too! There are so many beautiful items, so many shades and fabrics!
I know one of your main concerns is the price. You don`t want to spend a fortune, but still enjoy custom tailoring and good quality. My recomandation is DressV. They have great reviews about their dresses and also about their services. Don`t belive me? Just google it!
And now, they have a new great collection for 2014. Did you know that the 2014 colour is radiant orchid, or as we me know it: purpely-pink.
As you can see, the radiant orchid is such a vivid colour, full of joy and youth, classy and chic. Check this dresses out!
But I think some of you still can`t decide. It is pretty difficult, too! There are so many beautiful items, so many shades and fabrics!
I know one of your main concerns is the price. You don`t want to spend a fortune, but still enjoy custom tailoring and good quality. My recomandation is DressV. They have great reviews about their dresses and also about their services. Don`t belive me? Just google it!
And now, they have a new great collection for 2014. Did you know that the 2014 colour is radiant orchid, or as we me know it: purpely-pink.
As you can see, the radiant orchid is such a vivid colour, full of joy and youth, classy and chic. Check this dresses out!
20 March 2014
Spring Wishlist: Chic Trench
Ne saturasem cred cu totii de gecile voluminoase si hainutele cu blanita (oricat ar fi ele de dragute) si iata ca pana la urma a venit si vremea calda.
Cel mai important articol de imbracaminte, care nu trebuie sa ne lipseasca din dulap primavara este trenciul. Daca nu vi se pare o alegere suficient de eleganta sau credeti ca nu e pentru toate gusturile, haideti sa va arat cateva modele deosebit de frumoase, de la cele mai ieftine (si cele mai simple) pana la cele chic, elegante si dantelate. Iata selectia mea:
Finally the warm weather is here! And this spring there is an item that you shouldn`t miss out: the Chic Trench! I will show you the best items you can find, from simple and cheaper designs, to beautiful and even glamourous trenches. Here is my selection:
Cel mai des intalnit model este trenciul crem clasic. Il puteti gasi la preturi foarte bune.
The beige trench is a classical choice. Also, you can find very good prices. Only $29,99 Just click on the picture to find the product!
Cel mai important articol de imbracaminte, care nu trebuie sa ne lipseasca din dulap primavara este trenciul. Daca nu vi se pare o alegere suficient de eleganta sau credeti ca nu e pentru toate gusturile, haideti sa va arat cateva modele deosebit de frumoase, de la cele mai ieftine (si cele mai simple) pana la cele chic, elegante si dantelate. Iata selectia mea:
Finally the warm weather is here! And this spring there is an item that you shouldn`t miss out: the Chic Trench! I will show you the best items you can find, from simple and cheaper designs, to beautiful and even glamourous trenches. Here is my selection:
Cel mai des intalnit model este trenciul crem clasic. Il puteti gasi la preturi foarte bune.
The beige trench is a classical choice. Also, you can find very good prices. Only $29,99 Just click on the picture to find the product!
18 March 2014
Spring Sale on Sheinside
All new items and great sale! You can use: codenew15 on all new items to get 15%, and 20% off on orders over $100, use code: codenew20.
Here are the best (click on the photos to find the product page):
15 March 2014
Last Week in Photos
Precum stiti, saptamana aceasta a fost mai cald. Asa ca am fost mai activa, am inceput deja curatenia de primavara, dar asta nu m-a oprit sa fac ceva cumparaturi. Noua obsesie: pantofii! Pana acum, doar acestia mi-am ajuns, dar mai urmeaza sa primesc cateva colete, inclusiv comanda de pe LovelyShoes.
13 March 2014
First Eyeboxs Order: A touch of Spring
De aproape doua saptamani tot astept sa-si mai revina vremea. Cel putin la mine, cand nu a plouat, au fost adevarate vijelii, pentru ca nu se mai putea numi doar vant. Si chiar in una din aceste zile ma decisesem sa fac poze si fix atunci a si inceput ploaia. Pentru ca totusi vreo doua poze au iesit, m-am decis sa postez oricum pe blog, mai ales ca vroiam sa vedeti si haina de pe Romwe.
Spring is finally here! There have been almost two rainy weeks and I didn`t get to take many photos. These photos are made today, but I also posted two older photos, because I wanted you to see my new Romwe coat, too.
Spring is finally here! There have been almost two rainy weeks and I didn`t get to take many photos. These photos are made today, but I also posted two older photos, because I wanted you to see my new Romwe coat, too.
12 March 2014
11 March 2014
20 under $20 on SheInside
SheInside is still one of my favourite online shops. The allways have great sales and free shipping worldwide!
This is the current offer:
sheinside spring new arrival,up to 15% off,shop on sheinside now.
Let me show you the best SheInside items under $20:
This is the current offer:
sheinside spring new arrival,up to 15% off,shop on sheinside now.
Let me show you the best SheInside items under $20:
10 March 2014
Cum obtineti haine gratis de pe Ericdress
Am mai scris de cateva ori despre Ericdress: In general aici gasiti o colectie frumoasa de rochii de ocazie si accesorii, dar si articole de imbracaminte, bijuterii, pantofi sau genti ieftine si dragute.
puteti vizita site-ul aici, ca sa va faceti o impresie despre ce puteti gasi.
Oferta de care va vorbeam este totusi adresata celor care sunt deja clienti si au comandat deja macar o data pe site (sau daca ati castigat vreodata ceva de la ei).
Deci daca aveti vreun produs de pe Ericdress, faceti o poza, spuneti-va parerea despre acel produs si veti primi $10 (garantat)!
Iata detaliile si mai jos va arat cam ce ati putea cumpara de cei $10:
Do you remeber Ericdress? They are an international online shop where you can find many beautiful occasion dresses but not only! Jewellery, bags, shoes and other accesories but also different categories of clothes. Very Cheap! You should take a look here!
For custumers, they have a great new opportunity. You only have to take a picture weith items from Ericdress and write your opinion and you will receive $10. Here are the steps you have to follow and than some items you might want to get using thoese $10:
puteti vizita site-ul aici, ca sa va faceti o impresie despre ce puteti gasi.
Oferta de care va vorbeam este totusi adresata celor care sunt deja clienti si au comandat deja macar o data pe site (sau daca ati castigat vreodata ceva de la ei).
Deci daca aveti vreun produs de pe Ericdress, faceti o poza, spuneti-va parerea despre acel produs si veti primi $10 (garantat)!
Iata detaliile si mai jos va arat cam ce ati putea cumpara de cei $10:
Do you remeber Ericdress? They are an international online shop where you can find many beautiful occasion dresses but not only! Jewellery, bags, shoes and other accesories but also different categories of clothes. Very Cheap! You should take a look here!
For custumers, they have a great new opportunity. You only have to take a picture weith items from Ericdress and write your opinion and you will receive $10. Here are the steps you have to follow and than some items you might want to get using thoese $10:
07 March 2014
Oportunitate pentru studentii romani
In luna martie, studentii sunt invitati sa participe la un proiect interesant.
Allview, Centrul pentru Diplomatie Publica si Universitatea Transilvania invită studentii de la universitatile din Romania să se înscrie la prima editie a maratonului de programare Entrepreneurship, care va avea loc in 28 şi 29 martie 2014 in Aula Universităţii Transilvania din Brasov.
E o oportunitate pentru toti studentii romani, pasionati de programare, indiferent de facultatea pe care o urmeaza sau orasul unde studiaza.
Entrepreneurship va promova aplicatiile studentilor romani in tarile Uniunii Europene, iar creativitatea si originalitatea sunt incurajate; fiind o competitie, proiectele clasate pe primele trei locuri vor fi premiate.
Allview, Centrul pentru Diplomatie Publica si Universitatea Transilvania invită studentii de la universitatile din Romania să se înscrie la prima editie a maratonului de programare Entrepreneurship, care va avea loc in 28 şi 29 martie 2014 in Aula Universităţii Transilvania din Brasov.
E o oportunitate pentru toti studentii romani, pasionati de programare, indiferent de facultatea pe care o urmeaza sau orasul unde studiaza.
Entrepreneurship va promova aplicatiile studentilor romani in tarile Uniunii Europene, iar creativitatea si originalitatea sunt incurajate; fiind o competitie, proiectele clasate pe primele trei locuri vor fi premiate.
06 March 2014
I don`t know why, but lately I have been feeling nostalgic. So I was just looking through some old photos and found one picture with me wearing a red dress, that used to love so much.
I must say that I`m not to glamorous type, I usually go for more simple dresses, and this Ball-Gown dress was my first.
I must say that I`m not to glamorous type, I usually go for more simple dresses, and this Ball-Gown dress was my first.
I remember feeling like a princess in that dress. Maybe that`s why these last weeks I`ve been searching for a special occasion dress, one for the ages :)
04 March 2014
Reduceri mari pe LovelyShoes
Chiar daca nu e prima data cand scriu despre LovelyShoes (si cred ca va amintiti cat mi-a placut prima mea comanda, vedeti aici am purtat pantofii si aici cizmele), dar ma gandeam deja la o noua comanda si cum am observat ca au reduceri mari in aceasta perioada, am zis ca ar fi bine sa scriu pe blog despre asta!
I know it`s not my first time writing about LovelyShoes and you know how much I enjoyed my last order. Here are the posts wearing my pumps and boots:
But I was thinking about ordering again and I have noticed that they have many good deals at this time, so I thought I should share this with you!
Eu am ajuns din nou pe acest site, pentru ca imi cautam de ceva vreme o pereche de pantofi crem (cu tot mediu), la un pret cat mai rezonabil. Dar bineinteles, cum am ajuns pe site, am vazut multe alte modele care ma incanta.
De exemplu, genul acesta de pantofi m-au obsedat de anul trecut, dar nu am reusit sa-i gasesc sub $50 si am renuntat. Aici sunt la $8, 88! :)
I know it`s not my first time writing about LovelyShoes and you know how much I enjoyed my last order. Here are the posts wearing my pumps and boots:
But I was thinking about ordering again and I have noticed that they have many good deals at this time, so I thought I should share this with you!
Eu am ajuns din nou pe acest site, pentru ca imi cautam de ceva vreme o pereche de pantofi crem (cu tot mediu), la un pret cat mai rezonabil. Dar bineinteles, cum am ajuns pe site, am vazut multe alte modele care ma incanta.
De exemplu, genul acesta de pantofi m-au obsedat de anul trecut, dar nu am reusit sa-i gasesc sub $50 si am renuntat. Aici sunt la $8, 88! :)
Win an Aztec Tribal Cardigan
De la Romwe, cum ne-am obisnuit avem iar vesti bune! Cea mai buna oferta, cu cel mai mic pret este la acest cardigan, pe data de 6 Martie. Transportul este gratuit, international!
New sale on Romwe: white Aztec Tribal Cardigan is $15.99 on 6th March only!
Find it here
And more: Up to 85% off! From 4th March to 10th March!
Click here!
Free shipping to the worldwide, 30 days money back Guarantee.
For one lucky fan, we have great news: You can win this cardigan for free!