Do you want to bake your own cake and cookies for the New Year`s Eve? Here are some ideas!
30 December 2013
29 December 2013
Casual with LovelyShoes
Stiti deja ce incantata am fost sa descoper magazinul Lovely Fashion!, mai ales ca au cele mai interesante cizme si pantofi. Eu am ales o pereche de cizme si o pereche de pantofi eleganti. Pantofiorii vi-i voi arata mai tarziu, la o tinuta corespunzatoare.
In ceea ce priveste incaltamintea, in general optez pentru culorea neagra, pentru ca mereu ma gandesc ca e cel mai usor de asortat. Totusi, pentru ca imi doream si altceva si in plus in garderoba mea se gasesc foarte multe hainute crem, m-am decis sa aleg cizme tot crem.
Nu sunt de piele, dar arata exceptional de dragut si bine facute. In plus, eu am ales un model care e si comod.
Hi, girls!
I have been waiting so anxiously for my LovelyShoes order to arrive. Since it was my first order I didn`t really know what to expect, so I`ve decided to order a pair of boots and a pair of gorgeous shoes. This time, I want to show you the boots.
You know, lately, I`ve only purchased black shoes and boots, so I wanted to try something different. Since I have a lot of apricot clothes and coats, I`ve decided that I should buy a pair of boots that matches most outfits.
In ceea ce priveste incaltamintea, in general optez pentru culorea neagra, pentru ca mereu ma gandesc ca e cel mai usor de asortat. Totusi, pentru ca imi doream si altceva si in plus in garderoba mea se gasesc foarte multe hainute crem, m-am decis sa aleg cizme tot crem.
Nu sunt de piele, dar arata exceptional de dragut si bine facute. In plus, eu am ales un model care e si comod.
Hi, girls!
I have been waiting so anxiously for my LovelyShoes order to arrive. Since it was my first order I didn`t really know what to expect, so I`ve decided to order a pair of boots and a pair of gorgeous shoes. This time, I want to show you the boots.
You know, lately, I`ve only purchased black shoes and boots, so I wanted to try something different. Since I have a lot of apricot clothes and coats, I`ve decided that I should buy a pair of boots that matches most outfits.
Totul despre seriale: Vampire Diaries
Vampire Diaries nu mai are nevoie de nici o prezentare. Dar daca ati tot auzit de acest serial si inca nu v-ati decis daca sa-l vedeti sau nu, iata un mic rezumat care sa va ajute!
Intreaga actiune se petrece intr-un orasel aparent linistit si cu totul obisnuit, Mistic Falls. Dar asa cum anunta si numele, nimic nu e obisnuit in acest oras, incepand cu istoria lui, pana la locuitorii lui.
Intreaga actiune se petrece intr-un orasel aparent linistit si cu totul obisnuit, Mistic Falls. Dar asa cum anunta si numele, nimic nu e obisnuit in acest oras, incepand cu istoria lui, pana la locuitorii lui.
28 December 2013
DressV: Wedding Dresses 2014
Are you wondering what are the latest wedding fashion ideas? The first wedding dresses collection are allready out!
Lace? Pearls? Diamonds? What is in for wedding dresses 2014?
Many designers embraced the "less is more" concept for 2014, choosing a fresh, romantic, sleek and modern style. Brides who want a more glamorous vibe are advised to opt for graphic and bold accesories.
Here are some of the best choices for the wedding dress in the year comming!
Lace? Pearls? Diamonds? What is in for wedding dresses 2014?
Many designers embraced the "less is more" concept for 2014, choosing a fresh, romantic, sleek and modern style. Brides who want a more glamorous vibe are advised to opt for graphic and bold accesories.
Here are some of the best choices for the wedding dress in the year comming!
23 December 2013
Week in Photos
Saptamana aceasta am intrat deja in spiritul Craciunului! Si primele cadouri nu au intarziat sa apara!
Surpriza de la Coccolino!
Surpriza de la Coccolino!
22 December 2013
20 December 2013
10 Seriale noi
Iata topul celor mai interesante seriale noi din punctul meu de vedere:
1. Devious Maids
Daca ati urmarit cu drag Desperate Housewives, atunci o sa descoperiti ca si acest serial pastreaza sarea si piperul, ca si comicul de situatie din Desperate Housewives. Eva Longoria, ca si producator executiv si-a pus amprenta cu siguranta, asupra scenariului.
1. Devious Maids
Daca ati urmarit cu drag Desperate Housewives, atunci o sa descoperiti ca si acest serial pastreaza sarea si piperul, ca si comicul de situatie din Desperate Housewives. Eva Longoria, ca si producator executiv si-a pus amprenta cu siguranta, asupra scenariului.
19 December 2013
Moon and Sun
Chiar daca prima mea comanda de pe ZLZ a ajuns de vreo luna, de-abia acum am reusit sa incep sa fac cateva poze. Recent mi-au ajuns si noii mei cercei de pe Romwe, pe care ii ador. Sper sa va placa pozele:
Hi girls! Today I so excited to present to you my first order from ZLZ. At least, a part of my first order: this great black dress. I`ve also received from Romwe this great pair of earing. Hope you enjoy the photos:
Hi girls! Today I so excited to present to you my first order from ZLZ. At least, a part of my first order: this great black dress. I`ve also received from Romwe this great pair of earing. Hope you enjoy the photos:
17 December 2013
Simple Day
Chiar zilele trecute mi-a ajuns una dintre comenzile de pe Romwe si de atunci m-am indragostit de puloverul acesta. E moale, confortabil si o culoare tare draguta. In plus, inca e la reduceri!
Hi girls! I`ve just receive a new sweater from Romwe that I really like. It`s on sale, too!
16 December 2013
Christmas Giveaway: 6 winners!
Do you still remember my last post about Firmoo? I really enjoyed my new glasses and you should, too! Firmoo is rewarding thier fans with Christmas prezents! One pair of glasses/sunglasses +free shipping and 5 vouchers of 50% off + free shipping will make 6 of our readers happy this Christmas!
If you are a new reader, here is what you should know about Firmoo: Firmoo is the World's Most Popular Online Eyeglasses Store. THe are offering customers the best quality products at the most affordable prices which start at 8 dollars- 80%-90% lower compared to that in local store. Furthermore, Firmoo has launched First Pair Free Program for new customers to test thier products and service for free by paying shipping only.
Let me show you some great items I like:
Stiu ca va amintiti ochelarii Firmoo. Astazi am placerea sa incep un nou concurs pentru Craciun! Vom avea 6 castigatori: 1 pereche de ochelari+ transport gratuit si 5 vouchere de 50% reducere + transport gratuit!
If you are a new reader, here is what you should know about Firmoo: Firmoo is the World's Most Popular Online Eyeglasses Store. THe are offering customers the best quality products at the most affordable prices which start at 8 dollars- 80%-90% lower compared to that in local store. Furthermore, Firmoo has launched First Pair Free Program for new customers to test thier products and service for free by paying shipping only.
Let me show you some great items I like:
Stiu ca va amintiti ochelarii Firmoo. Astazi am placerea sa incep un nou concurs pentru Craciun! Vom avea 6 castigatori: 1 pereche de ochelari+ transport gratuit si 5 vouchere de 50% reducere + transport gratuit!
14 December 2013
SammyDress Giveaway for Christmas
SammyDress is one of my favourite online shops: they have really great items, new collections, latest fashion at the lowest prices online. You won`t find here only woman apparel and accesories, but also great fashion items for men and kids. Did something made your wishlist from SammyDress? Then, you`ll be as excited as I am to find out that you can win something you really want for free! A great Cristmas gift for yourself!
Here are some great items you can win! I chose them myself for you, but if there is something alse you`d like, you can choose it as the prize (unde $15):
Bags I love:
Quick Giveaway for Christmas
Hi, girls! Are you ready for a quick giveaway? It will only last 5 days, so you must hurry!
Romwe is always trying to reward thier loyal fans, as Christmas is also their anniversary and they want to surprize you for Christmas!
There will be 2 winner, each one of them will receive a $30 coupon +free shipping. There will be a big sale for Christmas on 17th December, so you can use your coupon by then.
Romwe is always trying to reward thier loyal fans, as Christmas is also their anniversary and they want to surprize you for Christmas!
There will be 2 winner, each one of them will receive a $30 coupon +free shipping. There will be a big sale for Christmas on 17th December, so you can use your coupon by then.
13 December 2013
How to choose shoes for Christmas and New Year`s Eve
Very often, in my dreams, I`m finding myself in a big, unexpensive woman`s shop and I`m trying every pair of shoes I can find. Usually I`m waking up before I get to choose my favourite pair.
Does that happen to you? Are you a shoe-addict?
I`ve recently received my latest ordered: a new pair of shoes and beige boots, but now I realise that I just need more. As it`s allready December, I`m preparing myself for the Christmas day and the New Year`s Eve party, so I`m looking for some great shoes for the occasion.
And of course, I found a great online shop, with cheap, jet gorgeous shoes, that made it easy for me.
For the Christmas day, I would go for red and maybe some glittery details. And I found these great high-heels, that made my day:
Does that happen to you? Are you a shoe-addict?
I`ve recently received my latest ordered: a new pair of shoes and beige boots, but now I realise that I just need more. As it`s allready December, I`m preparing myself for the Christmas day and the New Year`s Eve party, so I`m looking for some great shoes for the occasion.
And of course, I found a great online shop, with cheap, jet gorgeous shoes, that made it easy for me.
For the Christmas day, I would go for red and maybe some glittery details. And I found these great high-heels, that made my day:
Compatibilitatile Fecioarei cu celelalte zodii
El Fecioara, Ea Berbec
50% bine
El este semn de Pamant, ea - semn de Foc. Conform teoriei astrologice, elemantul Foc este devastator pentru Pamant, iar acesta, la randul lui, arunca peste Foc, il domoleste si chiar il stinge. Succesul acestei relatii consta in echilibrul dintre manifestarea celor doua forte. Femeia Berbec este pe gustul barbatului Fecioara, caci admira la ea fira optimista, puterea cu care razbeste printre greutatile vietii si curajul cu care infrunta problemele. Dar nu se impaca cu lipsa ei de maturitate in ceea ce priveste asumarea responsabilitatilor si respectul valorilor materiale. Femeia se poarta precum un copil mare de care Facecioara trebuia sa aiba grija in cele mai mici detalii. Daca la inceput amandoi percep aceasta ca pe un rasfat, cu timpul, Berbecul se obisnuieste cu binele si i se pare ca totul i se cuvinte, iar Feciara va resimti aceasta situatie ca pe o povara, mai ales daca nu au situatie materiala foarte buna. El este barbat responsabil, matur, ordonat, echilibrat, rational, econom, cu capul pe umeri si picioarele pe pamant, care stie sa tina drepte fraiele familiei. Partenera sa impulsiva si dezordonata nu face fata "sacrificiilor" trasate asa cum si-ar dori el si, drept urmare, barbatul Fecioara isi manifesta nemultumirea cu mult spirit critic in reprosuri si discutii sterile, care plictisesc si enerveaza femeia Berbec. Ea este mult prea aeriana pentru gustul lui si rar o vede ca pe o posibila mama a copiilor lui, ca pe femeia care sa aiba grija de casa si familie.
Nici sexual nu sunt compatibili.
50% bine
El este semn de Pamant, ea - semn de Foc. Conform teoriei astrologice, elemantul Foc este devastator pentru Pamant, iar acesta, la randul lui, arunca peste Foc, il domoleste si chiar il stinge. Succesul acestei relatii consta in echilibrul dintre manifestarea celor doua forte. Femeia Berbec este pe gustul barbatului Fecioara, caci admira la ea fira optimista, puterea cu care razbeste printre greutatile vietii si curajul cu care infrunta problemele. Dar nu se impaca cu lipsa ei de maturitate in ceea ce priveste asumarea responsabilitatilor si respectul valorilor materiale. Femeia se poarta precum un copil mare de care Facecioara trebuia sa aiba grija in cele mai mici detalii. Daca la inceput amandoi percep aceasta ca pe un rasfat, cu timpul, Berbecul se obisnuieste cu binele si i se pare ca totul i se cuvinte, iar Feciara va resimti aceasta situatie ca pe o povara, mai ales daca nu au situatie materiala foarte buna. El este barbat responsabil, matur, ordonat, echilibrat, rational, econom, cu capul pe umeri si picioarele pe pamant, care stie sa tina drepte fraiele familiei. Partenera sa impulsiva si dezordonata nu face fata "sacrificiilor" trasate asa cum si-ar dori el si, drept urmare, barbatul Fecioara isi manifesta nemultumirea cu mult spirit critic in reprosuri si discutii sterile, care plictisesc si enerveaza femeia Berbec. Ea este mult prea aeriana pentru gustul lui si rar o vede ca pe o posibila mama a copiilor lui, ca pe femeia care sa aiba grija de casa si familie.
Nici sexual nu sunt compatibili.
12 December 2013
Food& Sweets
In ultima vreme am incercat multe retete noi. Unele au iesit nemaipomenite, altele nu chiar atat de bine.
Iata cateva idei, din care va puteti inspira:
Reteta de prajitura Magura (putin adaptata de mine). Reteta originala o gasiti aici.
Iata cateva idei, din care va puteti inspira:
Reteta de prajitura Magura (putin adaptata de mine). Reteta originala o gasiti aici.
10 December 2013
Pink Winter
Do you like a white winter? I like it pink! Do you think that`s anusual?
Winter is a time of joy and playfull attitude and pink is the most girly and happy colour you can find! This is my pink winter essentials!
Winter is a time of joy and playfull attitude and pink is the most girly and happy colour you can find! This is my pink winter essentials!
Sweet Pink:
Winter Roses
Va amintiti articolul despre designerul promovat de Romwe, Rose D si frumoasa bluza cu trandafiri? A ajuns si la mine si vreau sa va arat cum arata in realitate. Asa cum stiti a fost si la pret redus, doar $19, si in plus, unele dintre voi ati putut sa va inscrieti la giveaway pentru a o castiga.
Do you still remember the Rose D. sweatshirt? If you didn`t read the post, you can find it here! I made some photos just for you, wearing the great roses sweatshirt. Hope you like them!
Do you still remember the Rose D. sweatshirt? If you didn`t read the post, you can find it here! I made some photos just for you, wearing the great roses sweatshirt. Hope you like them!
05 December 2013
Christmas on Udobuy
Did you hear the great news from Udobuy?
Are getting ready for Christmas? How about the Christmas presents? Now shoppers are encouraged to buy gifts by offering a sliding-scale discount! Click on the picture to find out more!
Fetelor, sarbatorile vin cu o gramada de oferte, iar la Udobuy, ofertele deja au inceput. Cumparatorii isteti, care se pregatesc din timp cu cadourile pentru cei dragi, vor primi cel mai mare discount. Atentie! Cu fiecare zi care trece, procentul reducerii scade! Pentru mai multe detaii dati click pe poza de mai jos!
Are getting ready for Christmas? How about the Christmas presents? Now shoppers are encouraged to buy gifts by offering a sliding-scale discount! Click on the picture to find out more!
Fetelor, sarbatorile vin cu o gramada de oferte, iar la Udobuy, ofertele deja au inceput. Cumparatorii isteti, care se pregatesc din timp cu cadourile pentru cei dragi, vor primi cel mai mare discount. Atentie! Cu fiecare zi care trece, procentul reducerii scade! Pentru mai multe detaii dati click pe poza de mai jos!
03 December 2013
Cateva cumparaturi de pe Romwe
Zilele acestea mi-au mai ajuns cateva dintre produsele comandate pe Romwe si m-am gandit sa va arat cateva poze sa va faceti o idee cum arata si in realitate. Unele colete mi-au ajuns in termen record, la posta normala (nu cea vamala, ca pana acum). Am observat ca acestea sunt trimise din Olanda, nu stiu daca diferenta aceasta a facut sa ajunga la posta normala, dar oricum ar fi, eu ma bucur enorm si sper ca de acum inainte sa fie la fel.
Hi, girls! I just want to show you some of my latest orders from Romwe which arrived pretty fast. And some of the items currently on my wishlist on sale. Please tell me your opionion!
Haina aceasta eu as declara-o mai mult de toamna. Nu e foarte groasa, desi e din lana. E totusi draguta. Aici o vedeti pozele de pe site (exista si pe crem si pe albastru) si cum arata si in realitate.
Hi, girls! I just want to show you some of my latest orders from Romwe which arrived pretty fast. And some of the items currently on my wishlist on sale. Please tell me your opionion!
Haina aceasta eu as declara-o mai mult de toamna. Nu e foarte groasa, desi e din lana. E totusi draguta. Aici o vedeti pozele de pe site (exista si pe crem si pe albastru) si cum arata si in realitate.
02 December 2013
December Beauty on Tidebuy
Hi girls!
Today I am excited to introduce you to a great online shop that I have only recently discovered myself! I must say I didn`t really plan to shop for winter essentials anymore, but I really fall inlove with so many items from Tidebuy! First off all, let me tell you that they also have a great Cyber Monday Week Deals 95% off on thousands of items, so actually, everything is pretty cheap!
Also, you can enjoy the 90% off on the new collection, including coats, jackets, trench coats, balzers or overcoats.
I actually was impressed with the fresh design of the winter coats: warm and soft fabrics with great details from fur (especially the white fox fur):
Believe it or not, these gorgeous coats are under $80!!
Great sales on winter boots, too! Up to 90% off and the cheapest boots start at $20! A real bargain!
You can find elegant, stylish boots for special events, but also warm and confi boots for a more casual and relaxed style.
Today I am excited to introduce you to a great online shop that I have only recently discovered myself! I must say I didn`t really plan to shop for winter essentials anymore, but I really fall inlove with so many items from Tidebuy! First off all, let me tell you that they also have a great Cyber Monday Week Deals 95% off on thousands of items, so actually, everything is pretty cheap!
Also, you can enjoy the 90% off on the new collection, including coats, jackets, trench coats, balzers or overcoats.
I actually was impressed with the fresh design of the winter coats: warm and soft fabrics with great details from fur (especially the white fox fur):
Believe it or not, these gorgeous coats are under $80!!
Great sales on winter boots, too! Up to 90% off and the cheapest boots start at $20! A real bargain!
You can find elegant, stylish boots for special events, but also warm and confi boots for a more casual and relaxed style.
01 December 2013
La multi ani, Romania!
La multi ani tuturor de ziua Romaniei! Astazi, am cateva vesti bune pentru voi. In primul rand am ales castigatorii celor 2 concursuri aniversare incheiate:
Concursul in colaborare cu Romwe are 2 castigatoare:
Mihaela-Ana E.
Diana I.
Concursul International:
Bors I.
Castigatorii vor fi anuntati pe adresele de email cu care s-au inscris in formular incepand de luni cu instructiunile pe care trebuie sa le urmeze pentru a intra in posesia premiului.
Felicitari tuturor!
sursa foto
Concursul in colaborare cu Romwe are 2 castigatoare:
Mihaela-Ana E.
Diana I.
Concursul International:
Bors I.
Castigatorii vor fi anuntati pe adresele de email cu care s-au inscris in formular incepand de luni cu instructiunile pe care trebuie sa le urmeze pentru a intra in posesia premiului.
Felicitari tuturor!
sursa foto